Friday, May 29, 2015

A Week of Firsts

Hello all :) 

Well, my name is Parker & this is my first blog. I have tried to start a couple but have never had the patience to figure it out. I have started this one because tomorrow I will be getting two little prairie dog pups and I am beyond excited! I will be naming them Bonnie and Clyde (even though they will be brother and sister). 

About a week ago, my sister's boyfriend, Kyle, told me he was going to be getting a Prairie Dog. As you can imagine, I was shocked because I had no idea that they could be bought and raised as pets. I immediately went to the site of the place he was looking at and started researching exotic pets. 

The first one I came across was called a Coatimundi. "A WHAT!?" was the first thing that crossed my mind. I HAD to check out this weird thing. I immediately fell in love with this little relative of the raccoon. They are cute, playful, and love to cuddle. But the more I researched, the more I was made aware of the fact that they are not good for first time exotic owner. Especially, if said owner lives in an apartment. I was heartbroken! But I decided that I would (hopefully) survive and I would get one when I had a house and property of my own. Until then, I needed something to cure my desire for an exotic pet. But what? I researched and researched until the simplest thought crossed my mind. Why not a Prairie Dog? I mean, they're cute, playful, and cuddly too. They are like mini Coati's! Not really, but it will work for the time being.

So, I began my research on the little rat looking creature known as a Prairie Dog. They ARE pretty cute. I looked and looked and slowly but surely, they crept into my heart. Now, I am overwhelmed! I'm obsessed! I need one now! Where do I begin? 

If you have not figured out by the past few paragraphs, I put my heart into everything and fall in love with all types of animals very quickly. I'm passionate! I can't help it.  I go full force into anything and everything I do and my boyfriend, Aaron, thinks I am a nut. 

Anyway, I called my sister, Riley, and explained to her my revelation. She laughed and called me crazy (everyone thinks I am, I guess), but she was excited for me and was excited that she and Kyle were getting one. 

That was yesterday, (I move quickly) and here I am today. Last night, we went and got a cage, Timothy hay, some toys, a bed, a hammock, and some other miscellaneous things that we needed for our baby. I had decided that I was only going to be getting one because they can be a handful. But as I lay in bed last night, I pictured my little PD all alone and upset. It LITERALLY brought me to tears, guys. I must be crazy. I rolled over and looked at Aaron and said "we need two." He rolled his eyes and laughed at me. 

This morning, I woke up and texted the lady that I am getting my babies from. I told her my plan to get two because you know, they get lonely. Of course she knows this Parker, she BREEDS them. Oy vey. Anyway, that brings me to lunch time. I could not figure out what to name them. I am literally over here obsessing and researching and obsessing some more. Then it hit me. I want a boy and a girl, they are going to be a handful.... Bonnie and Clyde is too cute to pass up. Yes, I am smart. I had originally planned this name for two Boxer dogs that I wanted to get but it is cute on Prairie Dogs too. 

That brings us to the present. I'm bored and reading and reading and bored. A BLOG! I thought. That is perfect. It allows me to talk, which Lord knows I love to do, AND write about two little babies. I have never had much to talk about in a blog but these two will give me LOTS to talk about. Rather than annoying my ever so loving mother, I will write it all down and share it with y'all! 

It has definitely been a week of firsts. First blog, first time learning about Coati's, first time wanting a Prairie Dog, first time buying a ferret cage (what?), and last, first time buying two devilish little cuties. 

I hope that I am not too crazy for you and that you will join me in Following Bonnie & Clyde. :) 
